Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hey Mom - Look at ME!

Miss Sassy has been "all about" standing on her head lately!!!! It brings her the utmost joy! I just adore it!

One of my favorite moves of hers is when she gets to the top of the stairs in our living room and "dismounts" the stairs by doing a partial/kinda-sorta/not really - somersault! Stands up and squeals for joy!

It's HILARIOUS people!

It actually reminds me of when I was a youngen (10 or 11) and was OBSESSED with doing cartwheels!!!

Day - Night - Church Aisles - Grocery Stores - Shopping Malls (I embarrassed the heck out of my sister and mother at Maurice's more than once!!!) Antique Stores - Fine China Stores

(I kid about the Fine China Stores, but not the rest)

It was insanity I tell you! But a complete BLAST for me!

I can still do one!

Who's Your MAMA!!!???? :-)

Monday, May 9, 2011


SOOOOO SORRY I didn't announce a winner from the GIVEAWAY yesterday, as I had promised! I am so bad!!! :-(

BUT, I do have one, and the WINNER IS..................................

from "A Little Bit Vintage"

Miss Rachel - your prize will be coming in the mail this week!!!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend!

More soon,


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Puppy Chow

This just in:

My darling, sneaky, strong-willed daughter is OBSESSED with dog food.


She is completely smitten with D-O-G-F-O-O-D {Eeeeew!} It's SO TRAGIC!

At first it began as a curiosity thing... she would see his dish in the kitchen, walk up to it, pick up a kernel, put it on the floor, pick up another one, put it in his water dish, TIP his water dish over, splash in the water, etc. etc. etc.

But now, my dear friends, it is no longer about "curiosity"

it's about the NEED to be IN. THE. DISH!

Let me take you back to this past Thursday.....

I am in my funeral clothes, preparing to go to my grandfather's funeral and Miss Thang is watching some toons... so I go downstairs and get her clothes to get her ready for the day (gone about 15 seconds - the child CANNOT be trusted.)

I come back up to find my daughter squatting in the kitchen with a face resembling that of a chipmunk with full cheeks...

I jump into "Mommy Mode"

do a finger sweep thru her mouth (reminded me of what we learned in First Aid for a Heimlich maneuver victim) and sent the (amazingly huge amount) of dog food all over the floor!

My choice of words at this rather disgusting, smelly, super gross moment:


A sign of the times to come? Perhaps.

Maybe someday she will be a Veterinarian


a Pet-Food-Taste-Tester (do they exist)

you just never know....

All I can say is that our daughter does a BEE LINE for the dog dish if it is in her reach, or eye sight (we have been trying to keep it up until she is distracted, so our dear dog can eat - poor fella)

The whole thing makes me gag. 'Nough said.

Hugs and Dog Kisses to you,


Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Good Morning Lovelies!

~As promised, I am here with the dealie-o of the day!~

My very best friend has opened an Etsy shop (it's about time Elizabeth!)

and I am hosting my very first giveaway in honor of her...

Her beautiful shop is Brownsparrowstudio (Click HERE)

and you, yes YOU have the chance to win a gift from her shop!!!!!

Here are the ways to enter - there are 2....

1. Become a follower, or state that you already are a follower in the comment area for this post.

2. Head on over to Brownsparrowstudio - browse a bit - come back here and tell me what you like the mostest!!! :-) Who knows, you might win it!

---> A winner will be announced Sunday, May 8th (Mother's Day!) morning!!!!

I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck y'all,


Monday, May 2, 2011

coming soon....

hello all!

sorry to have been away.

thank you all for your kind words and prayers for my family. it means so much!

guess what?????

coming soon (as in TOMORROW) to my blog is a:


Say what? Uh huh!

i am going to fill you all in tomorrow... but you do not want to miss it.


pinky swear.

OK! :-)

i leave you now with a picture from our Easter festivities.

tune in tomorrow - Tea on Tuesday - & of course the sweet giveaway!

Please excuse the illusion of a mullet. It really isn't one. For real!

