Sunday, February 1, 2015

Birkie or Bust!!!!

Good Morning Friends!!!!
Yup!  Still here.... just been busy, and it seems like every time I get out my computer to start blogging, other stuff starts calling my name - usually Josie yelling, "MOOOOOOOOOM.... can you come and catch my feet while I do a hand stand!??!!!"  (she is in gymnastics, and would wear a leotard every day if it wasn't 10 degrees outside)....
anyways... on with the show:
So, on January 18, 2015 I did this fun little ski thing called the "Birkie Tour".... it's actually very much the opposite of "little"... but you catch my drift.
The Birkie Tour takes place in Wisconsin and is some of the most challenging cross country ski terrain I have ever laid my eyes on!  This was the 2nd year participating in the non-timed, non-competitive event with my fearless leader Julie!!!!

she is the most encouraging, beautiful soul I have ever met!!!  We used to share an office and pretty much decorated it like it was our very own teeny tiny apartment!  Not one ounce of space left undecorated ~ some of my FAVORITE memories include this warrior!
Last year we had NO CLUE what the day would be like, so we got up and drove from home... this year we knew what we were up against, so we booked a room at the hotel in town (the only room left was a suite with a heart shaped jacuzzi!  Mama likey!!!) so we could hit the trails right away!
The thing about the Birkie Tour is that it is very hilly!  And when I say hilly I mean like going down a mountain, with sharp turns at the bottom..... scary? YES! challenging? YES! exciting? YES! makes you pray you survive? DOUBLE YES! am I going again next year?  OF COURSE!
there is just something about the rush of adrenaline that I love!!!
We did the 10K this year (approx 6 miles) and found out at the finish line that the 10K was the most challenging of all the choices (23K and 44K) - Proud doesn't even begin to describe how I was feeling after completing the run! 
*** We also got a chance to chat with another skier that has been participating in the Tour for several years, and she informed us that many many moons ago when they set out to create this "Trail" ... the goal for the creators was to make something that would bring skiers to their knees - as in difficult.  as in just pray you don't get injured.  Yowsa! 
Here are some pictures from out INCREDIBLE DAY!

People come from all around the globe to participate in this Tour - and I have never met so many lovely individuals - they are kind, helpful, supportive, amazing people!

No day would be complete without stopping for a drink of water and a few pix!

a view from one of the "hills" - look at all of those cars!!!!! 

This is our new, beautiful friend Mary!  At one point during the run, I fell and was hanging out in a large fluffy pile of snow, and along came Mary!  She handed me her pole and pulled me out - Once we started chatting with her she told us she is a 23 year breast cancer survivor!!!!  And now, at the age of 70 she is completing her 10th Birkie Tour.... she was an inspiration - even in the small amount of time we got to talk to her.... as she skied off she yelled
"Never, Never, Never Give UP!"
Mary.... you are such a courageous woman!  Thank you for blessing us with your presence!

Whoop Whoop!!!!! Made it!!!! 
To my dear Julie Girl - Thank you so much for being my rock during this adventure!!!
Can't wait for next year!



  1. well, as always~ your blog posts make me feel blessed to have you in my life... happy Sunday back to you gurl~ xoxox p.s. the pictures are grand!

  2. I grew up where this is held :) Such a beautiful part of the state. There must have been just enough snow this year... congrats!!


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