Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hey Mom - Look at ME!

Miss Sassy has been "all about" standing on her head lately!!!! It brings her the utmost joy! I just adore it!

One of my favorite moves of hers is when she gets to the top of the stairs in our living room and "dismounts" the stairs by doing a partial/kinda-sorta/not really - somersault! Stands up and squeals for joy!

It's HILARIOUS people!

It actually reminds me of when I was a youngen (10 or 11) and was OBSESSED with doing cartwheels!!!

Day - Night - Church Aisles - Grocery Stores - Shopping Malls (I embarrassed the heck out of my sister and mother at Maurice's more than once!!!) Antique Stores - Fine China Stores

(I kid about the Fine China Stores, but not the rest)

It was insanity I tell you! But a complete BLAST for me!

I can still do one!

Who's Your MAMA!!!???? :-)

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