Monday, July 30, 2012

little bit of this.. and that!

Why does it feel like Summer is almost over?  I am trying to soak it up in all of it's glory, with my sweet little sidekick beside me!  
We have been cheering on our friends at soccer (and playing with band-aids, a.k.a. "stickers"), and of course swimming, drinking from the hose (old school style) and snuggling up to read books on the deck... Josie's new favorite thing to do.
This weekend held nothing but a TON of relaxation!!!!  It was GLORIOUS!!!!  I took naps, read a magazine (unheard of) and enjoyed my family!!!  Hubster's going to get busy at work this week... so we enjoyed him being home, and loved him up!
I have been working on some knitting projects (eek!) and am SUPER excited about them!!  I will share ASAP... so stay tuned!!! 
What did you do this weekend?


  1. It does seem like it is suddenly coming to an end. My kids start school in 4 weeks. We have a lot of fun to cram in!

  2. I feel the same way, it's been cloudy here ;(

    I gage you an award!!



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