Monday, March 12, 2012

baby likey.

Good Morning Lovey Dovey's!!!!
How was your weekend?
We were INCREDIBLEY blessed with gorgeous weather!
Sunny and 64 degrees on Sunday!
Ohhh so blissful!
Josie and I spent some time at Grandma's,
which is always a good time...
Especially when grammy gives Josie

little pink pearl candies!


oh grammy!! i think these are for decorating cookies... but whatevs!?

miss thang didn't hesitate to feed them to her baby...

or more like SHOVE them into her little open mouth
:).... baby likey!!!!
SMILES all around today!


  1. TOO CUTE! Oh my word!

    Avery's dolls have started joining us for dinner, and have required their own plates with real food. : )


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