Friday, November 18, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness - Days 17 & 18

Day 17
I am thankful for children's artwork!
I love their creativity - there is just something about the preciousness that comes from their uncluttered, innocent minds onto paper that I ADORE!
My cupboards are covered in children's creations -
and each one makes me SMILE :-)
Day 18
I am thankful for the FIRST SNOW OF THE SEASON!
Word on the street (and all weather stations/websites/news channels) is that it is going to snow
And it is actually supposed to be enough to cover the ground!
I am as giddy as horse under an apple tree!!! not. even. kidding.
AND the hubster rolls into town TONIGHT! He has been working abroad (actually about 3 hours away, but it feels further) all week and I miss him!
Life. Is. GRAND.
Happy Friday!
(snow pictures to come as soon as the first flake hits my tongue! yum!)


  1. yes to the kids adorable & melts my heart! Yeah for snow & your husband coming home!

  2. Happy Friday to you too... so glad I stumbled across your blog. Its very nice.
    Have a wonderful Weekend
    Jackie :))

  3. Husbands coming home = best. thing. ever! Enjoy!! And have fun in the snow!!

  4. love kid art too! please dont send the snow this


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